Monday, October 3, 2011

MatsuJun as a Magician for Meiji Milk Chocolate CM

Matsumoto Jun has become the sweet endorsement model for Meiji Milk Chocolate, who will be celebrating their 85th anniversary this year. Matsumoto’s concept will transform him into a fresh-faced gentleman walking through a ‘chocolate world’.

To express the idea that Meiji Milk Chocolate has been a much-loved favorite for generations, Matsumoto talks to a little girl sitting on a bench. He muses, “Your mom, and your mom’s mom have eaten this same chocolate for many years“, while making a bar of chocolate magically appear in his hand. He continues, “Maybe your children will too..“, and the little girl wholeheartedly agrees, as she replies, “I’m gonna end up liking it too!“.

In order to deliver a convincing CM, Matsumoto practiced his little magic trick every chance he got. He commented, “Even if I could perform the magic trick well, I’m not sure if I can do it while saying my lines…“, but thanks to his dedication and focus, Matsumoto was able to produce a solid commercial. In fact, his magic skills impressed even the professional magician who accompanied Matsumoto on set.

Matsumoto also interacted with the little girl on set by talking to her and watching magic tricks together, which brought out a natural and cute smile from her.
This new commercial will begin airing on October 4th,'s a preview

CREDITS - Tokyohive

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