Saturday, October 8, 2011

Uchi speechless regarding Yamapi n Ryo's sudden exit from NEWS

On October 8th, Uchi Hiroki (25), Kis-My-Ft2’s Kitayama Hiromitsu (26) and Miyata Toshiya (23), and actress Takahata Mitsuki (19) held a press conference and public rehearsal on the opening day of their stage play ‘Ikemen Desu ne‘ at Akasaka ACT Theater.

Uchi, who is a former member of Johnny’s Entertainment group NEWS, was asked his opinion regarding Yamashita Tomohisa (26) and Nishikido Ryo (26) 's sudden exit from NEWS. However, feeling uncomfortable with this inquiry, he answered with “I will leave it at no comment“, brushing away the question in its entirety.

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