Thursday, December 29, 2011

RUMOR - Hey! Say! JUMP new single Titled "Re:START" to be released January 2012 with ten members?

(source: tumblr tag "ryutaro morimoto")

Now, the actual source of this rumor is unknown, but it's quite promising, isn't it?
Excited we all may be, I think it's best to stay level-headed on the topic. If we get too excited at this point, there's a good chance karma might come back and set us up for mental breakdown. Meaning, we need to caution ourselves. If our excitement level goes too high, there's a possibility that we'll crash and burn.

I’m not trying to be negative. To be honest, I'm usually Miss Positive! I just don't want to let karma get the better of us and possibly crush our hearts.

Even still, let's assume this rumor is true for the time being and support 10JUMP with full hearts! :)

Oh, while I'm on this topic, here's a Ryutaro meme-type image I saw today that made me smile:

(source: jawbisakurakouji@tumblr)

Yes, Ryu. We miss you very much. We're still waiting for you, but please take all the time you need to make your decision. We'll wait for you always ♥

~ Alie deshita

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Popolo 2012.02 - “Full Understanding of Whats In Yamapi’s Head! His Current Best 3 Announcents!!”

NEWS members aren't included as his best friends???

And wait - not even Akanishi Jin???

That's right, minna. Popolo's 2012 February issue covered a column titled "Full Understanding of What's in YamaPi's Head!". In this column, YamaPi discusses his "best 3" on various topics - one of which happens to be "Johnnies Your Close Friends With." Shocking or not, not one of NEWS's four remaining members or even KAT-TUN's ex-member Akanishi Jin were included in his "best 3."

His best three in this particular category are as follows:
1. Ikuta Toma [No Border]
2. Matsumoto Jun [Arashi]
3. Nishikido Ryo [Kanjani8]

Yamashita comments on the topic:
"With Ikuta, I do stuff like eating out or going to the gym. Lately our conversations have been actor-like. Even though we go back and forth to the gym together, during training I’m doing solo activity. [laughs]"
With such a comment as this, I myself am left a bit speechless. It appears as if NEWS's ex-leader, YamaPi, is now regarding his withdrawal from his long-time unit as simply a trivial matter after only separating from the group three months prior. It doesn't surprise me much though. Even in NEWS's early days, you could tell that Pi felt a bit aloof among the members. Really, I think that it makes sense for Nishikido to be in his "best 3". It's a bit odd to explain, but I'm sure some of you long-time NEWS fans already know where I'm coming from.

I guess if I know one thing for sure, 6-member NEWS fans will surely be disappointed, as well as those fans of the Akanishi/Yamashita 'best friends' duo.

[source: aramatheydidnt@livejournal, various tumblogs, 6theory]
[primary source: Popolo Magazine 2012.02 (Feb) issue]

~Alie deshita

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

メリークリスマス & JCD NEWSflash!

It'a couple days off, but I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
I know I did! ^^
I'm still learning how to use blogger, but I think I kind of got the hang of it - it's kind of similar LiveJournal, I think, but I really shouldn't say anything because I'm not too familiar with LiveJournal either. x)
I got some cool things for Christmas, and the major part of it would be idol magazines!
I think I got at least 10, and one duplicate... I'm still thinking of what I'm going to do with it~
Maybe I'll post some pictures of the many magazines I got? I also got a really cute ButaUsagi phone pouch... I love it! Among my gifts, I think the most expensive was the Kindle Fire I got from my Godmother... It's really nice :)

Now! Updates:
NEWS will be performing on JCD2012 [Johnny's Count Down] for the first time as four members since the withdrawal of Nishikido Ryo and Yamashita Tomohisa in early October. (source: tumblr and facebook)

SexyZone's handshake event that was held on Christmas day was said to be a success by several fan reports. One particular fan report made by @yumezora via tumblr mentioned several things in her account and posted pictures too. You can read her fan account at her blog.
(source: tumblr)

メリークリスマス & 明けましておめでとう~ ^__^

Here's a TegoMass scan to finish off my blog post!
(credit to owner)

~ Admin Alie deshita!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wanted ~ a new and responsible admin

Sorry for not having posted for so long
My pc has a motherboard failure ........ It gets on my nerves sometimes ..... U know??!
well for now im hiring another admin and ill mostly update from my android XD so..........gambarimasu