Tuesday, December 27, 2011

メリークリスマス & JCD NEWSflash!

It'a couple days off, but I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
I know I did! ^^
I'm still learning how to use blogger, but I think I kind of got the hang of it - it's kind of similar LiveJournal, I think, but I really shouldn't say anything because I'm not too familiar with LiveJournal either. x)
I got some cool things for Christmas, and the major part of it would be idol magazines!
I think I got at least 10, and one duplicate... I'm still thinking of what I'm going to do with it~
Maybe I'll post some pictures of the many magazines I got? I also got a really cute ButaUsagi phone pouch... I love it! Among my gifts, I think the most expensive was the Kindle Fire I got from my Godmother... It's really nice :)

Now! Updates:
NEWS will be performing on JCD2012 [Johnny's Count Down] for the first time as four members since the withdrawal of Nishikido Ryo and Yamashita Tomohisa in early October. (source: tumblr and facebook)

SexyZone's handshake event that was held on Christmas day was said to be a success by several fan reports. One particular fan report made by @yumezora via tumblr mentioned several things in her account and posted pictures too. You can read her fan account at her blog.
(source: tumblr)

メリークリスマス & 明けましておめでとう~ ^__^

Here's a TegoMass scan to finish off my blog post!
(credit to owner)

~ Admin Alie deshita!

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