Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hey! Say! JUMP ~ Magazine Scans [Duet , Potato , TVFan , CanCam , WinkUp October 2011]

Here i have uploaded some scans of Hey! Say! JUMP which my friend e-mailed me... Credits to her...
She has given me the Scans of Duet , WinkUp , POTATO , Can Cam and TV Fan

DUET 2011.10

here are the links MF / MU -

WinkUp 2011.10

Here are the links ------> MF MU  LOL!! I'm staring at the Yamachii pic up the there so cute!!!

POTATO 2011.10

Here are the links to this set MU / MF

TV FAN 2011.10

Here are the links MF / MU

CanCam 2011.10

Here are the links MF / MU

Please Credit me ... a.k.a RukaTakaki when u share these on ur sites .....coz its my friend's hardwork n her scans ...