Thursday, September 15, 2011

A very rare dream

Yo!!! Sorry for not having updated for so long :P...i'm really busy with my exams
Its not related to JE in any way but yet ....i wanna share something with all of you~  Last night i had a dream ...of course i have them everyday XDD  a dream related to my dream of what i want to become....
so here it goes.... Last night... i had a dream in which i was walking on the streets ...lonely ....Just then .....I heard a noise a cheer coming from a nearby place.... When i went there ...i heard a song.... it seemed familiar to me ... When i went closer to hear.... it was UVERworld ...idk what place it was or when it was... but it said "UVERworld Live tour "
And the song i heard was "Kimi no suki na uta" ....that song is the 3rd song i love the most.... so i like attended the concert....and after tht ... i was kinda sad n frustrated... and was sitting near a tree... and a figure reached over to me ..... it was my sempai a.k.a vocalist of UVERworld.... my idol TAKUYA ... he told me.... "If you dream about something, then you should work hard to always fulfill them"
I was like... "OMG... how did he know about my dream...i havent told it to anyone as yet"

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