Thursday, December 29, 2011

RUMOR - Hey! Say! JUMP new single Titled "Re:START" to be released January 2012 with ten members?

(source: tumblr tag "ryutaro morimoto")

Now, the actual source of this rumor is unknown, but it's quite promising, isn't it?
Excited we all may be, I think it's best to stay level-headed on the topic. If we get too excited at this point, there's a good chance karma might come back and set us up for mental breakdown. Meaning, we need to caution ourselves. If our excitement level goes too high, there's a possibility that we'll crash and burn.

I’m not trying to be negative. To be honest, I'm usually Miss Positive! I just don't want to let karma get the better of us and possibly crush our hearts.

Even still, let's assume this rumor is true for the time being and support 10JUMP with full hearts! :)

Oh, while I'm on this topic, here's a Ryutaro meme-type image I saw today that made me smile:

(source: jawbisakurakouji@tumblr)

Yes, Ryu. We miss you very much. We're still waiting for you, but please take all the time you need to make your decision. We'll wait for you always ♥

~ Alie deshita

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Popolo 2012.02 - “Full Understanding of Whats In Yamapi’s Head! His Current Best 3 Announcents!!”

NEWS members aren't included as his best friends???

And wait - not even Akanishi Jin???

That's right, minna. Popolo's 2012 February issue covered a column titled "Full Understanding of What's in YamaPi's Head!". In this column, YamaPi discusses his "best 3" on various topics - one of which happens to be "Johnnies Your Close Friends With." Shocking or not, not one of NEWS's four remaining members or even KAT-TUN's ex-member Akanishi Jin were included in his "best 3."

His best three in this particular category are as follows:
1. Ikuta Toma [No Border]
2. Matsumoto Jun [Arashi]
3. Nishikido Ryo [Kanjani8]

Yamashita comments on the topic:
"With Ikuta, I do stuff like eating out or going to the gym. Lately our conversations have been actor-like. Even though we go back and forth to the gym together, during training I’m doing solo activity. [laughs]"
With such a comment as this, I myself am left a bit speechless. It appears as if NEWS's ex-leader, YamaPi, is now regarding his withdrawal from his long-time unit as simply a trivial matter after only separating from the group three months prior. It doesn't surprise me much though. Even in NEWS's early days, you could tell that Pi felt a bit aloof among the members. Really, I think that it makes sense for Nishikido to be in his "best 3". It's a bit odd to explain, but I'm sure some of you long-time NEWS fans already know where I'm coming from.

I guess if I know one thing for sure, 6-member NEWS fans will surely be disappointed, as well as those fans of the Akanishi/Yamashita 'best friends' duo.

[source: aramatheydidnt@livejournal, various tumblogs, 6theory]
[primary source: Popolo Magazine 2012.02 (Feb) issue]

~Alie deshita

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

メリークリスマス & JCD NEWSflash!

It'a couple days off, but I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
I know I did! ^^
I'm still learning how to use blogger, but I think I kind of got the hang of it - it's kind of similar LiveJournal, I think, but I really shouldn't say anything because I'm not too familiar with LiveJournal either. x)
I got some cool things for Christmas, and the major part of it would be idol magazines!
I think I got at least 10, and one duplicate... I'm still thinking of what I'm going to do with it~
Maybe I'll post some pictures of the many magazines I got? I also got a really cute ButaUsagi phone pouch... I love it! Among my gifts, I think the most expensive was the Kindle Fire I got from my Godmother... It's really nice :)

Now! Updates:
NEWS will be performing on JCD2012 [Johnny's Count Down] for the first time as four members since the withdrawal of Nishikido Ryo and Yamashita Tomohisa in early October. (source: tumblr and facebook)

SexyZone's handshake event that was held on Christmas day was said to be a success by several fan reports. One particular fan report made by @yumezora via tumblr mentioned several things in her account and posted pictures too. You can read her fan account at her blog.
(source: tumblr)

メリークリスマス & 明けましておめでとう~ ^__^

Here's a TegoMass scan to finish off my blog post!
(credit to owner)

~ Admin Alie deshita!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wanted ~ a new and responsible admin

Sorry for not having posted for so long
My pc has a motherboard failure ........ It gets on my nerves sometimes ..... U know??!
well for now im hiring another admin and ill mostly update from my android XD so..........gambarimasu

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

KIS-MY-FT2 Announces the release of their new single "We Never Give Up"

Kis-My-Ft2 , announced that their 2nd single titled “We never give up!” is scheduled to be released on December 14th! Though the detailed information on the new single have not been revealed, it seems like it will come in 5 different editions.

So this is what it would go like :)

[Limited Edition] <MUSIC VIDEO version>

・We never give up!
・Unknown title 1
・”We never give up!” MUSIC VIDEO + Off shot

[Limited Edition] <Tokyo Dome version>

・We never give up!
・Unknown title 1
・Live summary video from “Kis-My-Ft2 Debut Tour 2011 Everybody Go to Tokyo Dome 2011.8.29″

[Regular Edition]
-CD only

・We never give up!
・Unknown title 1
・Unknown title 2

[Lawson・HMV Limited Edition]

・We never give up!
・Everybody Go (Sound source: LIVE)
・Kis-My-Ft2 special comment
★Kisumai magazine will be included (A4 size)

[Kis-My-Ft2 SHOP Limited Edition]

・We never give up!
・Unknown title 1
★24 pages photobook (CD size) + A notification poster (B2 size)

Sorry Minna

Sorry for havent having updated for so long Minna ~ i was on a 2 week holiday :)
Here's the pic of the Sky and the scenery i clicked :D

And thats Me watching Yume Tamago PV making and Hikka's GENTLES performance in the Hotel Room XD i had connected my HArd drive

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

KAT-TUN reveals Tracklist for New single "birth"

KAT-TUN reveals Tracklist for their New single "BIRTH" which would be used as the theme for the drama "Youkai Ningen Bem"  Starring Member Kamenashi Kazuya

<Limited Edition 1>
1. BIRTH (Video clip + making)

<Limited Edition 2>

1. STAR RIDER (Video clip + making)

<Regular Edition>

5. BIRTH (Original Karaoke)
6. STAR RIDER (Original Karaoke)
7. ACT ON EMOTION (Original Karaoke)
8. BABY B MINE (Original Karaoke)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Kamenashi Kazuya comments on YamaPi and Ryo's sudden exit from NEWS

On October 14th, KAT-TUN’s Kamenashi Kazuya attended a press conference for his drama, “Yokai Ningen Bem“, where he was asked for his thoughts on Yamashita Tomohisa and Nishikido Ryo’s sudden exit  from NEWS.

Commenting on Yamashita Tomohisa, he revealed, “During work, he would say things like, ‘I have to do things this way’, so I’m not really surprised about this outcome. My feelings are half-and-half.” Since Kamenashi himself has experienced a member leaving his group, he calmly commented, “If it’s what the members decide themselves, I think that’s fine.”

Kamenashi continued, “It’s not my own group, so I can’t really say anything… but they’ve been active for many years, so they should have a bond that you can’t see. If everyone sincerely believed each other, then I think that would be the answer.” Regarding his own group, he stated, “I don’t feel like we’re the ones left behind, nor do I think it’s right or wrong. We each have a life of our own.”
Kamenashi shared that he hasn’t been in touch with Yamashita since he left the group. “Even if we meet, I don’t think we’ll talk about that,” he said. He also flatly dismissed the rumors about his own withdrawal, saying, “Not at all.”

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jin Akanishi reveals teaser for ‘The Takeover’

Uwaaaaaaaah its finally here~!!!!! the trailer of Jin sempai's U.S debut single!!!!

Akanishi Jin (hereby stylized as ‘Jin Akanishi’) will be making his U.S. debut with the single “TEST DRIVE featuring JASON DERULO“, which will be available through iTunes on November 8th.

Recently, Jin revealed a special teaser about his new webisode series, “The Takeover“. According to his official YouTube channel, “The Takeover Series [follows the] accounts of Jin’s adventures and includes behind-the-scenes footage as he crosses over from Japan into the United States.”

The clip shows Jin’s extraordinary connections with big American pop names like Justin Bieber, Sean Kingston, and Jason Derulo, in addition to revealing an audio sample of his debut song.

Takki & Tsubasa announce new single Titled "Heartful Voice"

 Tackey & Tsubasa have announced the release of a new single named “Heartful Voice” on November 23rd!

“Heartful Voice” has been described to be a winter love song which expresses a man’s loyal feelings. There would be four different editions for the single.

<Limited Edition A>

1. Heartful Voice
2. Our Songs

• Heartful Voice MUSIC VIDEO
• Heartful Voice OFF SHOT


<Limited Edition B>

1. Heartful Voice
2. Our Songs

• Close report video of “Tackey & Tsubasa Concert Tour 2011 ‘OURFUTURE’” back stage

<Regular Edition>
[CD only]

1. Heartful Voice
2. Our Songs
3. Smile

<Takitsuba SHOP LE>
[CD only]

1. Heartful Voice
2. Our Songs
3. Irodori
4. Heartful Voice (Instrumental)
5. Our Songs (Instrumental)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Arashi's new single ~ “Meikyu Love Song"'s covers n tracklist are out!!!

I checked out on Johnny's net ...and took a screen shot ...... though the covers werent much clearly visible...i decided to take a closer shot
but first...take a look at the tracklist
well.... i HAVE put the covers individually.... but most importantly...i'm waiting badly for their song preview and i wanna see what their PV is like:D

Limited Edition
1. Meikyu Love Song
2. Kienu Omoi

“Meikyu Love Song” Video Clip

1. Meikyu Love Song
2. together, forever
3. Utakata
4. wanna be…
5. Meikyu Love Song (Original Karaoke)
6. together, forever (Original Karaoke)
7. Utakata (Original Karaoke)
8. wanna be… (Original Karaoke)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Akanishi to debut in U.S in November

Singer, Akanishi Jin (27) will distribute his new song “TEST DRIVE Featuring JASON DERULO” in the U.S. on November 8th, officially making his U.S. debut. The new song will be a duet song with Jason Derulo. The track is described as an up-tempo R&B song.

Akanishi commented, “I’m happy to be able to receive this opportunity. I’m looking forward to sharing my music with many people.”

Though it will only be released as a digital song in the US, he will release the song in Japan on December 7th, as part of an upcoming mini album, which will include three other tracks. It was also reported that Akanishi is currently recording an album he is planning to release in the US next year.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Uchi speechless regarding Yamapi n Ryo's sudden exit from NEWS

On October 8th, Uchi Hiroki (25), Kis-My-Ft2’s Kitayama Hiromitsu (26) and Miyata Toshiya (23), and actress Takahata Mitsuki (19) held a press conference and public rehearsal on the opening day of their stage play ‘Ikemen Desu ne‘ at Akasaka ACT Theater.

Uchi, who is a former member of Johnny’s Entertainment group NEWS, was asked his opinion regarding Yamashita Tomohisa (26) and Nishikido Ryo (26) 's sudden exit from NEWS. However, feeling uncomfortable with this inquiry, he answered with “I will leave it at no comment“, brushing away the question in its entirety.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Its confirmed...that NEWS would be a 4 member band....

Just an hour ago...i checked NEWS n Kanjani8 profiles on Johnny's net......What i saw was... NEWS profile was updated.... with only 4 members....and Kanjani 8 ... with Ryo in it
And didnt happen to see Yamapi anywhere amongst the solo artists.

Here....caught a few snapshots
The Yonin NEWS

And Kanjani8 Profile w/ Ryo in it................

Well..... Lets support all the bands n artists like we did....demo i still do feel sad for NEWS ........
Ganbatte Kudasai Yonin NEWS~!!!

The Biggest shock of the day.........Ryo and YamaPi ...leaving NEWS

This pic....made me jump off my chair..... I was listening to NEWS song ...Koi No ABO.....and just then ....i got to know something which was related to NEWS itself..... for those who can read on the pic to enlarge it and go Ahead....
But for those who dont...i have translated it for u

スポニチアネックス 10月7日(金)20時40分配信





YamaPi and Nishikido Ryo to leave NEWS
Annex Suponichi 7th October 2011 at 20:40

Popular Group "NEWS" Yamashita Tomohisa [26] and Nishikido Ryo [26]  to leave the group from the date 7th October announced by johnny's Jimusho yesterday.

YamaPi would continue with his solo activities whereas Ryo to concentrate upon Kanjani8 . NEWS will continue its activities with Koyama Keiichiro [27] , Kato Shigeaki [24] , Tegoshi Yuya [23] and Masuda Takahisa [25]

Yamapi says " It will be a challenge all on my own from now on. There may be inconvenient or hard things which I have never felt before, however, I would like to strive in every project with the precious experiences that I received with NEWS.” Koyama who will stay in NEWS, commented positively, “Although we will be going on different paths, the four members of NEWS will continue the legacy of the eight years we walked together positively."

"Having to have worked with NEWS and Kanjani8 has given me valuable experiences and NEWS fans who supported me, thank you. the Schedule problems can't be solved no matter how hard the groups try to adjust,the situation just might be difficult when tours and CD debuts come, especially when both groups release. This led me to make this decision. For Koyama, Katou, Masuda, Tegoshi, may the new NEWS go on for many years." says Nishikido Ryo

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

TegoMass reveals PV for Mahou No Melody

As announced before.... TegoMass will release its album "Mahou No Melody".....the PV is out today
A very Nice song indeed .... I LOVE THE WAY TESSHI LOOKS HERE!!!!!! OMG OMG!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

MatsuJun as a Magician for Meiji Milk Chocolate CM

Matsumoto Jun has become the sweet endorsement model for Meiji Milk Chocolate, who will be celebrating their 85th anniversary this year. Matsumoto’s concept will transform him into a fresh-faced gentleman walking through a ‘chocolate world’.

To express the idea that Meiji Milk Chocolate has been a much-loved favorite for generations, Matsumoto talks to a little girl sitting on a bench. He muses, “Your mom, and your mom’s mom have eaten this same chocolate for many years“, while making a bar of chocolate magically appear in his hand. He continues, “Maybe your children will too..“, and the little girl wholeheartedly agrees, as she replies, “I’m gonna end up liking it too!“.

In order to deliver a convincing CM, Matsumoto practiced his little magic trick every chance he got. He commented, “Even if I could perform the magic trick well, I’m not sure if I can do it while saying my lines…“, but thanks to his dedication and focus, Matsumoto was able to produce a solid commercial. In fact, his magic skills impressed even the professional magician who accompanied Matsumoto on set.

Matsumoto also interacted with the little girl on set by talking to her and watching magic tricks together, which brought out a natural and cute smile from her.
This new commercial will begin airing on October 4th,'s a preview

CREDITS - Tokyohive

Saturday, October 1, 2011

More Info about Arashi's upcoming single "Meikyuu Love Song"

As we reported previously, Arashi’s next single “Meikyu Love Song” will be the main theme song for upcoming drama “Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de” which will star member, Sakurai Sho. Recently, some more information for the upcoming single was released and it was also revealed that the upcoming single will be released on November 2nd.

There will be two different editions; Limited edition which will consist of two songs (“Meikyu Love Song” + one follow-up song “Unknown title A”) as well as a DVD (“Meikyu Love Song” video clip). The regular edition will have a total of 8 tracks (“meikyu Love Song” + three follow-up songs “Unknown title B”, “Unknown title C”, “Unknown title D” + Instrumental of each tracks).

(c) TokyoHive 

Arashi reveals CM for "Au"

Arashi's back with a New CM for 'Au"

The commercials see Arashi rocking out and striking dramatic poses to the music of “My Way” by Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols. The members are advertising “Tomokomi” (where au users get to talk to each other for free), “Wi MAX” (a speedy internet system), and a smartphone service that boasts strong signals, wherever you are in Japan.

Check out the CM below :)

[credits to owner]

Friday, September 30, 2011

MatsuJun with new CM ~ Hot Pepper Beauty

Arashi’s Matsumoto Jun is the new image character for hair/aesthetics salon, “Hot Pepper Beauty“.

Jun filmed 20 different commercials for his endorsement, where he looks straight into the camera as if he were talking to ‘you’ directly, and complimenting you on your hair and nails.

I like the Above CM ~ his reaction is priceless XDD

Well ... here's one more 

KAT-TUN’s single “BIRTH” to be released on November 30th

KAT-TUN will be releasing a new single “BIRTH” on November 30th! As reported earlier, “BIRTH” has been chosen as the theme song for a member Kamenashi Kazuya’s upcoming drama “Yokai Ningen Bem” (will start on October 22nd).

BIRTH” will be released in three editions. Check out the new details for the single below!
<Limited Edition 1>
1. BIRTH (Video clip + making)

<Limited Edition 2>
2. Untitled song A
1. Untitled song A (Video clip + making)

<Regular Edition>
2. Untitled song A
3. Untitled song B
4. Untitled song C
5. BIRTH (Original Karaoke)
6. Untitled song A (Original Karaoke)
7. Untitled song B (Original Karaoke)
8. Untitled song C (Original Karaoke)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Johnny's New Group "Sexy Zone" to debut soon

On September 29th, it was announced that new five-member group from Johnny & Associates, Inc., named Sexy Zone will be making their debut this fall with a self-titled single, “Sexy Zone“.

The members of the new group are Nakajima Kento (17), Kikuchi Fuma (16), Sato Shori (14),Matsushima So (13) and Marius Yo (11).

They were introduced by Kis-My-Ft2’s Kitayama Hiromitsu, Fujigaya Taisuke, and Tamamori Yuta during the stage performance “Teigeki Johnnys Imperial Theatre Special ‘Kis-My-Ft2 with Johnny’s Jr.’.“, and performed their debut song in white tuxedos with a red rose in hand.

Nakajima said, “I’m filled with deep emotion, and I was so nervous. To be honest, we were informed about it just today. Johnny-san (= Johnny Kitagawa, the president of Johnny & Associates, Inc.) told us ‘You guys are going to make your CD debut.’. That moment can be described with a single word…surprised.” The youngest member Marius who is from Germany, also said, “I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say.”

Additionally, Sexy Zone will be the special supporter for “FIVB World Cup Volleyball 2011” which will open on November 4th, and they will also sing the image song for the tournament.

Arashi's new single ~ “Meikyu Love Song” [more details]

Arashi’s next single “Meikyu Love Song” will be the main theme song for upcoming drama “Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de” starring member, Sakurai Sho. Recently, some more information for the upcoming single was released and it was also revealed that the upcoming single will be released on November 2nd.
There will be two different editions; limited edition which will consist of two songs (“Meikyu Love Song” + one follow-up song “Unknown title A”) as well as a DVD (“Meikyu Love Song” video clip). The regular edition will have a total of 8 tracks (“meikyu Love Song” + three follow-up songs “Unknown title B”, “Unknown title C”, “Unknown title D” + Instrumental of each tracks).

KinkiKids ~back with a new album (^0^)

KinKi Kids will be releasing their first new album in two years titled, “K album“!

The album’s theme is based on bonds, paths, gratitude, and passion. It’s considered to be a type of memorial work tagged with some well-known names like Yamashita Tatsurou, Yoshida Takuro, Dreams Come True, Akimoto Yasushi and more.

K album” will arrive in two versions: a limited edition and a regular edition. The limited edition will come with a DVD that contains 31 music videos ranging from their debut single, “Garasu no Shounen” to their latest work, “Time“. Meanwhile, the regular edition will come with two bonus tracks.

“K album” will be released on November 9th. In the meantime, check out the tracklists below!

Regular Edition

< Track List >
1. Negau Ijou no koto Inoru Ijou no koto
2. Dousoukai
3. Kiken na kankei
4. Radio Control
5. Sayonara no Stranger
6. Family ~Hitotsu ninaru koto
7. Inochi no Saigo no Hitoshizuku
8. Himalaya Blue
9. Motto Motto
10. Hametsutekini Passion
11. 2nd Movement
12. Time
13. Kimi to Boku no naka de
*14. Boku ga Umareta hi (Bonus Track)
*15. Family ~Hitotsu ninaru koto [Unplugged] (Bonus Track)


Limited Edition

< DVD >
1. Garasu no Shounen
2. Aisareru yorimo Aishitai
3. Jet Coaster Romance
4. Zenbu Dakishimete
5. Cinderella Christmas
6. Yamenaide, PURE
8. Ame no Melody
9. Sukini natteku Aisiteku
10. Natsu no Ousama
11. Boku no Senaka ni wa Hane ga aru
12. Jonetsu
13. Hey! Minna Genki kai?
14. Kanashimi Blue
15. solitude ~honjitsu no sayonara~
16. Eien no BLOODS
17. Kokoro ni Yume wo Kimi ni wa Ai wo
18. Hakka Candy
19. Ne, Ganbaruyo.
20. Anniversary
21. Velvet no yami
22. Snow! Snow! Snow!
23. Natsu Moyou
24. Harmony of December
25. Brand New Song
26. Eien ni
27. Secret Code
28. Yakusoku
29. Swan Song
30. Family ~Hitotsu ninaru koto
31. Time

Saturday, September 24, 2011

KAT-TUN to release new single "Birth"

Yo!!!, HYPHENS!!!: it’s been announced that band will be releasing a new track titled “BIRTH” as the theme song for Kame’s upcoming drama, ‘Yokai Ningen Bem‘ (‘Humanoid Monster Bem’)!

‘Yokai Ningen Bem’, which will be a live-action drama adapted from an anime, centers on the lives of Bem, Bera and Berro, three yokai (spirits) who fight against other yokai and monsters that attack humans. Kame in particular will be starring as Bem, alongside actress Anne and child actor Suzuki Fuku who will play Bera and Berro, respectively.

With the recent promotional photos that have been released with this announcement, Kame had heads turning with his new silver locks. It’s been revealed that Kame did not dye his hair but simply wore a wig for the photoshoot.

“Yokai Ningen Bem” is schedule to start broadcasting in October and air on Saturday evenings at 9PM.

CM for Sakurai's new drama “Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de.”

Here is the CM for  “Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de.” 

Arashi’s Matsumoto Jun to host a special variety program

Arashi’s Matsumoto Jun has been chosen to be the main MC for NihonTV’s special variety program, “Sekai Ichi no SHOW Time ~Gyara wo Kimeru no wa Anata~“!
This show began back in 2010, and it attracts people from all over the world, who aim to show off their unique talents on stage. 300 audience members will determine how much they would be willing to pay to watch that performance, and actually pay from their own wallets in the end. As a performer himself, Matsumoto commented, “There were many wonderful performance and they were all great!“.
Commenting on his MC role, Matsumoto said, “This was a different position from when I do shows with Arashi, so I was very nervous, but it was an interesting experience.”
Announcer Hatori Shinichi, who served as Matsumoto’s co-host, commented, “He was very natural and I think this was a perfect job for Matsujun. I give him 1oo%!”

As one of the creative spearheads for Arashi’s concerts, Matsumoto felt inspired by the performances he watched. “As an entertainer I was thinking, ‘Oh so there are performances like this too!’ I feel like I was able to be on a good show.“ Hatori himself remarked, “As Matsujun observed all the performances, he kept saying ‘Ah, I can use this’. It’s a great thing for a MC to be able to watch the performances in that way.”
Model Hasegawa Jun participated as the third co-host, and Matsumoto complimented his castmate by saying, “She seemed to genuinely enjoy the performances. She gave good comments of encouragement to the performers and created good vibes on set.” Hasegawa mused,”I sensed all the love that went into all the performance, and it made me realized I have to work harder as well.”
Matsumoto concluded, “It was fun and if there is another opportunity, I would like to do it again.”

Check out the show, “Sekai Ichi no SHOW Time ~Gyara wo Kimeru no wa Anata~”, when it airs on October 9th!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

KAT-TUN to release new single "Birth"

Yo!!!, HYPHENS!!!: it’s been announced that band will be releasing a new track titled “BIRTH” as the theme song for Kame’s upcoming drama, ‘Yokai Ningen Bem‘ (‘Humanoid Monster Bem’)!

‘Yokai Ningen Bem’, which will be a live-action drama adapted from an anime, centers on the lives of Bem, Bera and Berro, three yokai (spirits) who fight against other yokai and monsters that attack humans. Kame in particular will be starring as Bem, alongside actress Anne and child actor Suzuki Fuku who will play Bera and Berro, respectively.

With the recent promotional photos that have been released with this announcement, Kame had heads turning with his new silver locks. It’s been revealed that Kame did not dye his hair but simply wore a wig for the photoshoot.

“Yokai Ningen Bem” is schedule to start broadcasting in October and air on Saturday evenings at 9PM.

Arashi to sing for Sakurai's new drama

As said earlier, Sakurai Sho and actress Kitagawa Keiko would be starring in Fuji TV’s new drama, “Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de.” 
Well, recently, it was announced that Arashi’s new song “Meikyu Love Song” has been chosen as the theme song of the drama.
Details on the song including the release date have not been revealed at this moment.
So .... lets wait and watch :)

KimuTaku's new CM for 'Nikon'

On September 21st, Kimura Takuya (38) of SMAP attended a press conference for his latest endorsement of a new digital camera by “Nikon”.

Kimura, who stated that he carries around his camera in his bag often, talked about how he brought his camera with him to SMAP’s Beijing performance which occurred back on the 16th. He revealed that at their visit he “took a picture on Tiananmen Square with the members”.

Also, when it was revealed that Johnny Entertainment’s president Kitagawa Johnny received twoGuinness World Record awards on the 20th, Kimura acknowledged, “He is amazing,” and congratulated him for receiving such honor.

Here is the CM

Hey! Say! JUMP Magic Power ~ Download Links :)

Here are the Magic Power Download Links :)
The full single - gotten from my frnd MeriYama95

Limited edition n Regular Compiled

Regular edition

PV Link... its in LQ [i had to convert tht file of somewhat 400MB T_____T]
Size - 37.19mb
Format - avi
Resolution - 1028x762

Yeah dude I know i'm biased XDD

Credited - RukaTakaki n MeriYama95

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hey! Say! JUMP Magic Power ~ PV is out~!!!!!!!

Hey! Say! JUMP are gearing up to launch their latest single, “Magic Power“, on September 21st which happens to be today XDD, and to boost anticipation, they’ve released their new PV!
The PV is AWESOMELY colorful ...... but the costumes they wear during their solo lines r OMG.... Well as we say...its is how our JUMP is.... cute n cheerful as always... AND YUYA I STILL LOVE U AND PURPLE!!!! Purple bcoz of this PV XDD

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ninomiya Kazunari selected as new CM character for “Pocky”

Arashi’s Ninomiya Kazunari has been chosen as the new image character for the chocolate snack, “Pocky“, and will be appearing in their CM starting September 20th. In the CM, Ninomiya dances to hip-hop artist MC Hammer’s signature song, “U Can’t Touch This“.

The CM comes in two versions: ‘Drink & Po’ episode, and ‘ALL’ episode. In the ‘Drink & Po’ episode, Ninomiya appears in black from head-to-toe, along with five backup dancers. He holds one pocky in each hand, and dances while bending his knees. Then, he holds a glass cup and pocky, and uses the pocky as a stir stick as a result of mishearing the lyrics, “Can’t touch this“, as “Chanto aundesu (It matches perfectly)“.

Meanwhile, in the ‘All’ episode, the backup dancers wear 12 different outfits that match each situation, such as ‘New Years’, ‘karaoke’, ’shaved ice’, and ‘beach’. Then, Ninomiya shows that pocky is a great match for various situations.

Check out a short ‘Drink & Po’ version of the CM above ~

source - Tokyohive

SMAP to make appearance on NHK’s documentar​y show for the first time

As said earlier that SMAP held their very first overseas concert in China on September 16th. The boys will continue to add new experiences to their roster, as it’s just been reported that they will appear on NHK’s documentary show for their first time since their debut.

Titled “Professional Shigoto no Ryu-gi SMAP Special“, the show followed the five SMAP members closely for about two months. The staff filmed the members’ long preparations for their Beijing live, and the camera kept rolling until the very day of the concert. In addition, the show will include coverage of their solo activities, as well as footage of SMAP’s top-secret events, held at three disaster-stricken areas (such as the town of Minamisanriku in Miyagi).

“Professional Shigoto no Ryu-gi” is a regular show of NHK’s that has covered more than 160 professional people; their special with SMAP will be the first time in the show’s history that it will focus on idol musicians.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Johnny Kitagawa nabs two Guinness World Record awards

picture credits here

On September 18, 2011, it was revealed that Johnny Kitagawa has been presented with two Guinness World Record awards. Thus making him one of the most successful music producers in the world.

The first award he received is for the ‘most No.1 singles produced by an individual’. He has accumulated an astounding 232 chart-topping songs (between 1974 to 2010).

The second award is for the ‘most concerts produced by an individual’. Between 2000 to 2010, Johnny produced 8,419 concerts. He has produced shows for some of the top groups in JE, the concerts have an estimated attendance of 48,234,550.

I LOVE YOU J.E!!!!!!!!!!

Ueda Tatsuya to shave his head for his new drama XD

Credit as watermark on pic

KAT-TUN member, Ueda Tatsuya (27) has shaved his head for the upcoming TBS drama, “Runaway ~Aisuru Kimi no tame ni“, which will start airing on October 27th.

Ichihara Hayato stars in the lead role of this TBS serial drama. It is a thriller with elements similar to the American TV show "Prison Break". Ueda is one of his co-stars, playing 滝本空哉 (Takimoto Kuuya), a former host imprisoned on false charges. He is one of the fellow prisoners who escape with Ichihara's character. There is a scene in the drama which shows Ueda's hair getting shaved in prison.

On September 17th, Ueda filmed a scene where he gets his hair gets shaved off at a prison. Ueda said, “It’s the first time for me to have a shaved head since junior high school. It feels strange, like I broke new ground.”

This drama will be about four young guys who make their escape from prison after being sent there under false charges. Ichihara Hayato will be taking the lead role, and Ueda will play an ex-host who’s condemned with a term for four years due to Stimulant Drug Control Law violations.

Ueda, who received compliments for his new look by the staff, commented, “I think a high point of the drama would be the four shaved head guys’ movement, since that’s so rare, visually. I hope this could bring a ’shaved hair boom’.”

Other cast members include Tsukamoto Takashi (28), Suda Masaki (18), and Fukuda Saki (20).

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Arashi CM - Kirin

Arashi's new CM .... Kirin ~ yummy ... they get to eat a lotta goodies

Happy Birthday Hiromii!!!!!!!!

Otanjoubi Omedettou Hiromiiii¬!!!
My chubby little sanban¬!!! Pls remain the same kawaii n kakkoi Hiro-kun of Kisumaini ¬¬ WAY TO GO LEADER san¬¬ U're 26 already¬
here's a simple edit done by Ruka-chan¬!!!! [LOL!! ME!!!]

SMAP holds their first ever live overseas concert~!!!

SMAP held a live concert at the Workers Stadium in Beijing, thus marking their very first overseas concert!

It was a long-cherished wish for SMAP to hold a live concert overseas. They had originally scheduled a concert in Shanghai last year, which got cancelled twice due to social circumstances. But as they say, the third time’s the charm, and the boys managed to wildly rouse their 40,000-member audience. The SMAP members felt like they’ve made their fans wait a long time, however, as member Nakai Masahiro stated, “It took long time to come this far.”

The theme of the concert was “Cheer up Japan! Thank you China! Asia as one!“, and the members performed 29 songs over 2 hours. Two of their songs, “Sekai ni Hitotsu dake no Hana” and “Yozora no Mukou“, were sung in Chinese, and they also sang a Chinese song called, “The Moon Represents My Heart.” During the middle of the concert, popular Taiwanese actress Lin Chi-ling (who’s also co-stared with member Kimura Takuya in a Getsu9 drama called “Tsuki no Koibito“), made a guest appearance.

Although the venue has a capacity for 80,000 people, the audience was limited to 40,000 and 90% were Chinese fans. 3,000 police officers were stationed at the venue to act as security, but there was no trouble, and Chinese fans finally got to enjoy the SMAP world.

Katori Shingo stated, “I would like to hold live concerts in other Asian countries other than China. Through this 20th year anniversary, today is the restart of SMAP.”

SMAP members and the honoured guest, Chiling Lin (3rd, R), perform onstage at SMAP' s first-ever overseas concert in Beijing Sept. 16, 2011

Takuya Kimura,  performs on stage at the Beijing Workers Gymnasium in Beijing, 

SMAP members (L-R) Goro Inagagi, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, Takuya Kimura, Shingo Katori and Masahiro Nakai perform 

Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, performs on stage at the Beijing Workers Gymnasium 

Credits - Tokyohive & Xinhuanet

Friday, September 16, 2011

Magic Power PV preview

Hey! Say! JUMP Magic Power ~ Lyrics n Translation

Here are the lyrics of Magic power XD [translation credits go to]
[only the kanji n Romaji r mine :) ]

一緒ならso happiness
Crazy?! But Magic Power


一緒なら so happiness
Crazy?! But Magic Power

ほら 一緒に出かけよう

胸を張って今日もLet’s go
一緒なら so happiness
Crazy?! But Magic Power

信じたい 挑みたい



一緒なら so happiness
Crazy?! But Magic Power

Waracchau toki datte?
Naichai sou na toki datte?
Minna ireba shiawase?
Hanare rareru wakenai yo ne?
Koro n chatta asa datte?
Hekomi sou na yoru datte
Issho nara so happiness?
Crazy?! But Magic Power

Fushigi afureru kono machi de
Fukanou nante kitto nai yo?
Deko boko nagara mo bokura wa?
Kyou mo chikara awaseru n desu?
Kake meguru chiisa na nayami mo?
Fuan mo tanoshimeteru yo

Hajiketai toki datte
Mattari na toki datte
Minna inakya tsuman nai
Hanare rareru wakenai yo ne
Chikoku ppoi asa datte
Gakeppuchi no yoru datte
Issho nara so happiness
Crazy?! But Magic Power

Onaka ga heccha hashirenai
Takusan tabete kyou mo genki
Nani mo shiranai bokutachi wa
Nani wo mite mo dai hakken
Motamota shitetara hi ga kurechau
Hora issho ni dekake you

CHARENJI na toki datte
Modokashii toki datte
Minna ireba muteki sa
Mune wo hatte kyou mo Let's go
Doki doki kowaku natte
Tomo ni kurechau kedo
Issho nara so happiness
Crazy?! But Magic Power

Takanaru aoi kokoro kara?
Bokura no yume afuredasu?
Shinjitai idomitai

Waracchau toki datte
Naichai sou na toki datte?
Minna ireba shiawase
Hanare rareru wakenai yo ne??

Hajiketai toki datte?
Mattari na toki datte
Minna inakya tsuman nai?
Hanare rareru wakenai yu ne
Chikoku ppoi asa datte?
Gakeppuchi no yoru datte
Issho nara so happiness?
Crazy?! But Magic Power

English Translation

At times when we laugh
At times when we want to cry
If everyone's here it's happiness
There's no way we can separate
On mornings that suddenly turn around
Nights where we're depressed
As long as we're together so happiness
Crazy?! But Magic Power

A mystery overflows in this town

Even if it's impossible, surely something that can't happen
The roughness as well as the way we are
Again today we'll mix the power
With the small troubles running about

Even with the worries we'll be able to enjoy it

At times when we pop
At times when we have a laid-back lifestyle
If everyone wasn't around, it'd be boring
There's no way we can separate

On mornings when we're running late

Nights when we're on the edge

As long as we're together so happiness
Crazy?! But Magic Power

You can't fight on an empty stomach
We'll be energized today by eating lots

Us, that don't know anything

Anything we see is a great discovery
Slowly we'll do things as the day comes to an end
Here, Let's go out together

At challenging times
At times when we feel impatient,
If everyone's here we'll be invincible
We'll be filled with pride again today Let’s go

Beating of our hearts, we won't be scared
Although we might be confused

As long as we're together so happiness

Crazy?! But Magic Power

Because our blue hearts are beating

Our dreams are overflowing
We want to believe, to challenge ourselves

We don't want to run away

At times when we laugh
At times when we want to cry
If everyone's here it's happiness
There's no way we can separate

At times when we pop
At times when we have a laid-back lifestyle
If everyone wasn't around, it'd be boring
There's no way we can separate

On mornings when we're running late

Nights when we're on the edge

As long as we're together so happiness
Crazy?!But Magic Power

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A very rare dream

Yo!!! Sorry for not having updated for so long :P...i'm really busy with my exams
Its not related to JE in any way but yet ....i wanna share something with all of you~  Last night i had a dream ...of course i have them everyday XDD  a dream related to my dream of what i want to become....
so here it goes.... Last night... i had a dream in which i was walking on the streets ...lonely ....Just then .....I heard a noise a cheer coming from a nearby place.... When i went there ...i heard a song.... it seemed familiar to me ... When i went closer to hear.... it was UVERworld ...idk what place it was or when it was... but it said "UVERworld Live tour "
And the song i heard was "Kimi no suki na uta" ....that song is the 3rd song i love the most.... so i like attended the concert....and after tht ... i was kinda sad n frustrated... and was sitting near a tree... and a figure reached over to me ..... it was my sempai a.k.a vocalist of UVERworld.... my idol TAKUYA ... he told me.... "If you dream about something, then you should work hard to always fulfill them"
I was like... "OMG... how did he know about my dream...i havent told it to anyone as yet"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Miyacchi~!!!!!!

He is the most optimistic member and adult-like among the junior members of the unit , The Neighbourhood Ojisan.yes yes!!! none other than our Miyacchi!!!!


here's a simple but filled with feelings edit made just for Miyacchi


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Boreeeeed Again

Damn...Today was super tiring .....I was unwell.... T______T's another edit i made
for my ichibaan , niban n sanban